At St Giles we are committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church. We take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously, and have policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment. Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life.
If you have any concerns about safeguarding, please contact:
In the Parish: Dizzy Prentice, Parish Safeguarding Coordinator, 07951 538670, [email protected]
In the Diocese: Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, 01636 817200, [email protected]
Nottinghamshire County Council: Children's & Adult Social Care 0300 500 8080 / out of hours 0300 456 4546
Nottingham City Council: Children 0115 876 4800 / 0115 876 5600; Adults 0300 131 0300 / out of hours 0115 876 1000
For our Safeguarding Policy here
For our Safeguarding Procedures click here
For our Code of Safer Working Practice click here.
If you have any concerns about safeguarding, please contact:
In the Parish: Dizzy Prentice, Parish Safeguarding Coordinator, 07951 538670, [email protected]
In the Diocese: Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, 01636 817200, [email protected]
Nottinghamshire County Council: Children's & Adult Social Care 0300 500 8080 / out of hours 0300 456 4546
Nottingham City Council: Children 0115 876 4800 / 0115 876 5600; Adults 0300 131 0300 / out of hours 0115 876 1000
For our Safeguarding Policy here
For our Safeguarding Procedures click here
For our Code of Safer Working Practice click here.