Thank you for thinking about giving to the ministry and mission of St Giles'.
We want to see God change lives, families and churches, and everything that we do at St Giles is made possible by your giving. We are so grateful for all the support that we receive from members, friends and supporters of the church. You can make a gift in a number of ways. Regular givingMonthly giving enables us to plan effectively. If you would like to join our Planned Giving Scheme, the easiest way to do this is through a Standing Order.
Our church account for giving is: Account Name: The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Giles Sort code: 77-22-43 Account Number: 04096168 Reference: Your name Make your gift even more effective by gift aiding it. We’re a charity and if you pay Gift Aid and are a UK taxpayer, we can reclaim 25p for every £1 you give us. Please email the church office for a Gift Aid Declaration form. One off donationsIf you are not yet a regular giver, and wish to make an online donation, the form opposite offers a simple and easy way to give.
You can also give by cash or a contactless donation if you are in church. Questions?If you have any questions regarding giving at St Giles then please email our Treasurer, Chris Lane. All enquiries are treated in the strictest confidence.